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Spring Equinox 2021

Happy Equinox!

Have you felt the energy around you starting to shift as we've tiptoed up to spring? With a little more light arriving each day, birds serenading with their early-morning song, the budding anticipation of blooms that will soon burst onto the neighborhood scene... our own inner rising awakens too. Have you felt that?

I love to intentionally connect with the change of seasons. I stand in awe witnessing the shifts that occur in nature, other people, and within myself. This year, I've been noticing a magnified pull to tune into the energy of spring, and I think it's because of the year-long rollercoaster ride life has taken us on.

Last March we were standing on the precipice of a significant collective experience. Now, we've made our way back to the familiar doorway of spring to be greeted once more with the enduring energy of hope, promise, and renewal spring carries. This is the medicine of cycles and seasons --and it feels especially potent now.

Sure, you can choose to do something elaborate or fancy to celebrate the Spring Equinox -- a beautiful ritual or feast for the senses could be delightful. Then again, sometimes the most magical experiences happen when we are simply and powerfully present to the energy stirring the moment. To celebrate the medicine of spring, we just need to become present and aware of the energy within and around us.

Here are two easy ways to do just that:

7 Rising Suns - Each morning for 7 days, wake up before sunrise and get settled into a spot where you can witness the rising sun. Get quiet and still.

Say internally or out loud:

"I am here and fully present. As bear witness to the glorious sun rising, let it move through me, strengthening my connection with my own inner sun."

Then close your eyes and feel into the energy of the moment. Feel the light of the rising sun move into and through your body. Just be. No expectations and plenty of space magic.

Notice sensations that may move through your body. As you go about your day notice any through nudges or synchronicities that seem to be aligned with something within you that's ready to rise now.

Ready, Set, Grow! - Boxlapse offers a fun (and jazzy) way to connect with the energy of spring through timelapse videos of plants moving from seed to bloom. Check out the video compilation below. Take note of the energy present within yourself when you watch this beautiful blooming. Can you feel something within you that's ready to grow now?

As we glide into a new season, I've got some exciting group classes and experiences coming your way. Here's a sneak peak at my Spring Energy Medicine Offerings:

Astrology Basics Masterclass (April 17)

Womb Illumination Group Energy Healing Session (May 1st)

Online Energy Medicine Circle (Starting May15)

And of course if you need support in working with the energy in your body or life, I offer Energy Readings and Coaching sessions via phone/zoom all through the year.

May sweet spring blessings sprinkle upon your path.

*p.s. Just like all of us... "Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light." - Theodore Roethke


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