The Beat of Your Heart
When I was about 14 years old my Dad gave me a bright pink stethoscope. A creative suggestion to consider future studies in the field of medicine? Perhaps, but I think the gift was mostly a simple and profound prompt to get comfortable listening to my heart.

My Father died in 2003, but all these years later I can remember the vibration of his deep voice as he said, “Daughter, listen to your own heartbeat every now and then, and never take for granted how precious it is.”
I did in fact use that pink stethoscope, and I still do.
I was in my early thirties when I realized what a profound practice listening to the beat of my own heart had become. If I was going through something difficult, feeling overwhelmed, or at a crossroads about a decision, I would grab my stethoscope and listen in. In a matter of moments I felt centered in my own being. I was instantly calmed by the sound that powers my life. Each and every time I used my stethoscope, a sense of calmness washed over me, making space for clarity. What a gift.
Moments spent listening to your heart are never wasted.
Individually, we can find great benefit from bringing our awareness back to the basics of conscious connection with breath, body and the sacred energy that moves through and around us. I realize that for some, practices like listening to your own heart can feel downright uncomfortable. I get it --and if thinking about your own internal organs makes you queasy -- no worries, there’s an alternative. I’ve found that a gentle drumbeat or a heartbeat recording can be great substitutes.
Check out my inner listening suggestions below —there’s something for everyone. Lean in, open up, and see what comes. Maybe one of these practices will feel so right for you that you’ll add it to your energetic self-care toolbox. Who knows, maybe you’ll even decide to buy yourself a stethoscope, or gift one to a young person you care about.
Ready to put on your virtual lab coat
and be an energy researcher?
Let's get started!
Try one or all of the following while keeping focus on your internal sense of being:
(If you find yourself getting caught up in thinking mode, gently bring your attention back into your body.)
Listen to your own heartbeat for 3-5 minutes using a stethoscope or doppler if you've got one handy.
No stethoscope? Try one of these alternatives:
- Lay on another person’s chest and listen to their heartbeat.
- Try a session at a local float tank or sensory deprivation tank.
- Get quiet, close your eyes, and listen to this recording.
Own a hand drum? Gently play it in front of your heart center, keeping a soft and steady beat. Alternatively, you can listen to a recording of a gentle drumbeat.
I’d love to know what you discover when you connect with the energy of your heart. To share your findings and insights with me, email

* The heartbeat recording suggested in this blog was published by World Nature Video and can be found on YouTube at: