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"I have had the privilege of connecting with Karen in a number of different healing environments. She is consistently and astutely perceptive and a direct and powerful channel for Spirit and healing. I recently had the gift of attending her three-day long retreat and I was blown away by the levels of intention and healing seamlessly integrated in each aspect of her retreat. Most powerfully, she enabled each and every one of us as participants to embody our own healing gifts and share them through community and as part of a healing drum circle tribe. Incredible! I wholeheartedly recommend Karen."

- Lisa C.




"I loved the experience I had with Karen. It was nice to do a team exploration of how our personal energy can impact those around us. I feel that our team left Karen's talk feeling more invested in supporting self-care practices and realizing how those might be different for each person. I enjoyed the take-home tools as well as Karen's positive and engaging personality."

- Cindy R.




"My experience with Karen has been life-changing. I decided to sign up for her coaching at a time when I knew I had to make some big changes. I was overweight and it was starting to affect my health, I dreaded my job, felt isolated, and was overwhelmed with how to steer my life in a different direction. I had experienced a few of Karen's workshops and a retreat so I was familiar with her work and I thought she might be able to help me. We did energy coaching together for four months and it was the best thing I've ever done for myself! I wish I would have done this sooner! My health has significantly improved and I feel like I've stepped into a new dimension in life."

- Anna O.





"You taught a chakra class last summer and I was so moved. It was an incredible night for me, transformative and healing. I’m grateful to have crossed your path."

-Sunya H.





"In Karen's workshop, I learned new ways of using mindfulness to care for myself and my students. Karen was engaging, attentive, and very creative as she worked with our group. I entered her class feeling burnt out and left feeling positive and energized. I would recommend her workshop to any of my peers."

- Jody B.





"Karen has a unique style of walking you through understanding your own energy so that you can assess and realign yourself. She weaves in images, sound, positive affirmations, nature, and everyday objects. I have had several sessions as part of a group and each experience has provided me with an opportunity to relax in a profoundly deep way. I highly recommend Karen and her work!"

- Sherry K.




​"The Inner Bliss Event felt expansive in the many different ways we were encouraged to connect with our own energy, and also to connect with and support one another. The thoughtfulness and attention to every beautiful detail magnified the experience at every point."

- Amy W.




"Wow, mind blown! My husband and I took Karen's communication workshop and we were actually able to see how the way we communicate with each other can create internal energy shifts. Right there on the screen I watched his heart field energy decrease when I said something mean to him. Wow, what a different world it might be if everyone was able to see how powerful their words really can be. I'm going to start using the Powerful Pause immediately."

- Leslie D.




"Recently I participated in Karen’s retreat.  Her combination of heartfelt connection to each of us, along with a ceremony to help us creatively awaken our true selves was amazing.  Over the 4 days we spent together it was clear that Karen has a magical way of using sound with intention allowing me to connect deeper within.  My goal was to clear any negative energies as I am moving more into a spiritually based life and let me tell you mission accomplished!  Other than that, I can say that if you are looking for one of the most compassionate, evolved, powerful healers you absolutely must work with Karen!" 

- Kris O.




"I experienced Karen's womb illumination session. I had been having some irregularities with my menstrual cycle and my gynecologist said it could be related to the high level of stress I was going through. I figured the womb session might calm my body. It did more than that! My cycle started an hour after the session was over. My body felt like the stress had melted away and it was empowering to learn to connect with myself on an energy level."

- Christine P.




"Karen and her Biofield Method offer the "real deal" when it comes to knowing and listening to your body from the inside out. Karen presents concepts like energy and the chakras so that they can be understood and felt. Her experience and understanding of energy, along with her ability to pick up on the vibrations in her own body and those around her is remarkable. She presents her knowledge in a kind, loving and easy to understand manner. Karen is magnetic and passionate. It's clear that she has spent a lot of time cultivating her knowledge. It is woven into her fabric as she effortlessly can sense the energies around her and help others to explore and understand how to do that too."

-Jill R.





"I was inspired to work with Karen by a friend who was always raving about energy healing sessions with her. I didn't understand how the energy work was even happening if they weren't in the same room so I wanted to try it for myself. We live in New York and Karen is in Chicago. It works, and it's the most wonderful thing I have ever experienced. I think Karen is made up of equal parts of love and strength. With that special combo, she has gently guided me to a place where I feel better than I ever have."

- Nicole R.

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